How I Thrive: Modern Picnic Founder Ali Kaminetsky

How I Thrive: Modern Picnic Founder Ali Kaminetsky

How I Thrive takes an inside look at founders, entrepreneurs and leaders and the behind-the-scenes self-care work they do to in order to live balanced, happy lives. Today's edition is with Modern Picnic Founder Ali Kaminetsky, who believes self-care is anything that makes you feel good in the moment and has gotten on board the TikTok train thanks to the pandemic.

Name: Ali Kaminetsky

Age: 26

City: New York, NY

Company: Modern Picnic, which creates chic, functional vegan leather lunchboxes for women.

Role: Founder 
Beyond the role: Friend, wine and animal lover, former college athlete, supporter of all things female-founded.

Morning routine:

First thing I do when I wake up is check emails, Modern Picnic's Instagram and our Shopify (I know checking your phone first thing is not "good" but we can't all be perfect). Then I do a a 30 minute workout — I've been loving Melissa Wood Health recently and will finish that of with a coffee and fruit. After that, I begin my workday! 

The first thing I do after work:  

When I wrap up the work day totally depends on what is going on that day or week. But on an ideal night, I will wrap up either by meeting a friend for dinner and a drink or by watching Netflix. 

Dinner ritual: 

If I'm not meeting a friend for dinner, I do try to cook almost every night. I'm not the best, but definitely trying!

Nighttime routine: 

My nighttime ritual consists of a regimented skincare routine I do every night. I am definitely a night owl so I typically get into bed later than I would like to admit.

Self-care guilty pleasure:

Pre-Covid it was going to workout classes in the city. I'm not sure this counts as self-care but my guilty pleasure now has definitely been my new found interest in scrolling on TikTok watching funny videos. It's so addicting.

Workday self-care hack: 

Trying to drink enough water throughout the day! 

How do you define self-care?

Self-care is anything that makes me feel good in that moment.

Favorite childhood toy or hobby:

I grew up playing tennis and went on to be recruited to play Division 1 in college, where I served as the captain as a Junior. I think much of my work ethic, drive and other values I have now came from being a student athlete and from training my whole life. I would say tennis has greatly influenced what I do now, and how I lead my team.

State of your (email) inbox: 

Don't ask me what the state of my inbox is right now, you don't even want to know

Want to kick your self-care game up a notch? Subscribe to Silk + Sonder today.

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